Carriage house doors give you the best looking garage doors on the block. With our Raynor Aspen Series or CHI Overhead Garage doors you will enhance your curb appeal and value. In the AP200 Raynor we feature beautiful distinct woodtone modern Spanish style garage doors for your home in Auburn or Mocha. Oak woodgrain patterns run vertical between the embossed panels and horizontal with the rails to deliver a true grain appearance. Don’t forget your hardware options as well. Get the look of real wood in light weight steel with our Raynor Aspen doors. Both models come Steel Back Insulated with thick insulation thermally efficient with Neufoam polyurethane insulation. Raynor-Aspen-Nor-Cal-Garage-Door
CHI Overhead Doors offers woodtone colors in the carriage house such as walnut, driftwood, mahogany, cedar, dark oak, and light oak. Start your door vision today with our neat design tool software.

CHI Stamped Carriage Long Panel Driftwood with Glass Madison Inserts